Celebrating Milestones: First USD Distributions for Apex on Perkins Investors!

The first USD distribution on the addy platform is available to investors now!

Investors of record for this property as of Oct. 31, 2023 and Nov. 30, 2023, are receiving their first distributions early (was originally targeted for January 30, 2024)! Additionally a full quarterly report will be available in addy investor accounts soon.

This US property continues to be available for investment on the platform, and you can use either USD or CAD to invest. You can learn more in our FAQs related to USD.

For those of you that don’t know much about the US property, it’s called Apex on Perkins and is a 234 unit & 732 bed student housing community located adjacent to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The estimated ROI for this property is 119.11% (19.06% IRR) with a projected 5 year hold and 20 estimated distributions. 

Watch as Jannelle Chemko, our controller, and Katie Kernahan, our Head of Ops, hit the button to distribute the distribution in real time!

Other ways this prop pays out!

When evaluating commercial real estate deals like this one there are 5 primary ways an investment can pay out: Cash Flow, Passive Appreciation, Mortgage Paydown, Active Appreciation, and Levered Returns on Equity. (Learn more about these factors here).

Here are the things to note about this property:

  • ✅ The estimated passive cashflow (or distribution) is 7.6%
  • ✅ There is no mortgage paydown as the debt is interest only but being interest only allows the debt payment to be much lower which allows for higher distributions
  • ✅ The mortgage rate is 5.25% which is quite a bit lower than what it would cost if the property were to be financed today
  • ✅ The GP is making renovations to the units and that is expected to increase net operating income by 19%, the property is expected to appreciate by a similar amount assuming a 6.05% cap rate.
  • ✅ The property value has gone up by an estimated $4,560,000 and equity is $7,602,321, so return on equity is around 60%. The issuer is offering units in the property at 2022 evaluation.

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The Issuer:

Apex Student Living is a national development, construction and property management firm based in Connecticut. With 30 years of industry experience, we operate in a wide range of diverse market segments, including a myriad of both residential, student housing and commercial properties.
Our portfolio value is estimated to exceed $250 million and continues to expand every year. With a focus on continuous
expansion, our nationwide portfolio encompasses over 800 student housing beds and over 1M square feet of commercial space.
Atlas One logo

The Dealer:

Purchases of the issuer’s equity securities will be conducted, where permitted, through a platform operated by Atlas One Securities Inc., an exempt market dealer (NRD#: 68420) in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, which has been appointed as the issuer’s agent for this offering.

The offering in this blog is available under an Offering Memorandum under National Instruments 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions, and is provided by Atlas One Digital Securities as an Exempt Market Dealer registered in BC, AB, SK, MB and ON. The content contained in this post and available on the addy website or Atlas One website is for general informational purposes only and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities. This information is made available on an “as is and as available” basis. Nothing in this post or on the addy website or Atlas One website shall be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, liabilities or assets. Atlas One shall not be liable, under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, or any other damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, lost revenues, lost profits or loss of prospective economic advantage. The information provided in this post and on the addy website or Atlas One website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment, financial, legal, tax or accounting advice. Many factors unknown to us may affect the applicability of any statement or comment made on this website for investment, financial, legal, tax or accounting advice. Atlas One is not acting in any fiduciary capacity in regards to this material.

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