No Investment Limits
Register your Accredited status and get a new iPhone 15 Pro Max after your first $100,000 investment

Accredited Members can invest $1 – $250,000+ per property
- an individual who beneficially owns financial assets (which term excludes real estate) having an aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $5,000,000; or
- an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, beneficially owns financial assets (which term excludes real estate) having an aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1,000,000; or
- an individual whose net income before taxes exceeded $200,000 in each of the two most recent calendar years or whose net income before taxes combined with that of a spouse exceeded $300,000 in each of the two most recent calendar years and who, in either case, reasonably expects to exceed that net income level in the current calendar year; or
- an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, has net assets that exceed $5,000,000.
The steps to follow are outlined here.
Promotional Period
From May 15, 2024 at 12:01 AM PT to December 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT (the “Promotion Period”).
To be eligible for the Promotion, the person must:
– Have a addy account in good standing at the time of participation;
– Be a legal resident of Canada;
– Be the age of majority, or older, in their province/territory of residence at the time of participation
iPhone 15 Pro Max (1TB) (MSRP C$2,349.00)
By participating in the Promotion, Client assumes all risk of injury, illness, disease, death, or any other damage which may arise in connection with their participation in the Promotion. Without limiting the foregoing, client hereby: (a) forever releases and discharges addy and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, related and associated entities and employees, directors, officers, suppliers, agents, sponsors and administrators of each (collectively, the “Releasees”), from and against any and all claims, actions, costs, liabilities, judgments, damages, obligations, losses, penalties, and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever (including legal fees) (collectively, the “Claims”) in any way arising directly or indirectly out of any injury, loss, or damage that Client may suffer as a result of, or in connection with the participation in the Promotion or any promotion-related activity, including the use of the Reward; and (b) indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Releasees from and against any and all damages, loss and expenses, including legal fees, which may be suffered directly or indirectly by reason of the Client’s own negligence or willful misconduct during or in connection with the participation in the Promotion.
addy reserves the right to amend, withdraw or restrict the promotion at any time without notice. addy is the sole arbiter of these rules and any other issue arising under the promotion. If addy suspects fraudulent or abusive behaviour, gaming of the system, inappropriate, offensive or derogatory language or information or a violation of these terms, addy reserves the right to remove all promotions from the addy account and take any other action it deems appropriate including, but not limited to, removing the Reward retail value from the addy account or closing the addy account. This Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer, unless specified herein. An invitation to participate in this promotion does not provide assurance that you will be accepted as a customer of addy. This offer is only valid for individuals in the location cited above that otherwise meet our eligibility requirements. Our standard terms ( relating to your use of addy and any agreements that apply to your addy account each apply and are not affected in any way by this offer.