In order to make money through investing, you have to endure some amount of risk. No opportunity is a slam dunk. While in some cases risk can be extremely low, it also means that your return likely isn’t that high. Indeed, every opportunity presents a balancing act between risk and return. There are ways to […]
Category Archives: Resources
Real estate is far more than just a place to reside, work or conduct business. Real estate can also be potentially lucrative, whether it’s residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Even buying a piece of land offers a chance at income. Here are some key reasons why you should invest in real estate. Real estate […]
Townhomes are found all over, nestled in big cities and embraced in expanding suburbs. They’re easy to spot and a popular choice for families and couples to own or rent for a variety of reasons, including price point and convenience. While we may all know what a townhome is when we look at them, applying […]
We at addy aim to make real estate accessible for all, not just removing lofty financial barriers, but helping educate those starting their investing journey. We also want to make sure everyone complies with investing rules and regulations. It’s especially important to know what type of investor you are, because that determines how much you […]
Some people may think of real estate only in terms of what they are looking to purchase – most of the time, that’s a single-family home or a cozy condo. Real estate extends much deeper, however, comprising a variety of buildings, businesses and industries. It’s important to understand each type of real estate, particularly when […]
Previously inaccessible to all but the wealthiest of individuals, investment opportunities in commercial real estate now abound. Numerous platforms offer investors of all wallet sizes and knowledge bases to become an owner. One such platform is RealtyMogul, a U.S.-based company providing opportunities in commercial real estate. On the surface, it sounds a bit familiar to […]
The real estate industry is vast and complex, with numerous moving parts and a wide range of professionals integrated. While we may only think of the industry as primarily involving a realtor who helps buying and selling homes, as well as the broker who lends you money, there are many more individuals and interactions worth […]
Real estate is a unique asset class for a variety of reasons: it is less volatile than stocks or cryptocurrency investments, it can offer long term steady growth and it’s a physical, durable entity that is by definition, scarce. Real estate also offers leverage and can be effectively wielded to increase the value of your […]
A lot of different images come to mind when thinking of real estate: suburban homes, city skyscrapers, vast farmland. While many of us have an idea of what constitutes real estate, putting words to ideas may be a bit harder. It’s worth brushing up how exactly to define real estate, going through its important characteristics […]
We invest our money with a goal make more money. The ‘why’ of investing isn’t complicated, but the ‘how’ is far trickier. Whether you’re looking into stocks and bonds, dabbling in cryptocurrency or seeking newfound opportunities in real estate with barrier-busting platforms like addy, you should know what you’re doing. With that in mind, let’s […]